What Has Happened to American Politics?

Dan French
May 13, 2024

There have always been, and will always be, warring factions in America. There are warring factions in every human society since the beginning of time. In any situation where there is a group of humans, and one human wants one thing, and another human wants that same thing, there is going to be conflict. 

And, as we all know, conflict is just a tiny war.

So, what’s up with the Red State v Blue State war going on right now inside of American politics?

In a nutshell -- and I’m going to spend a LOT of time explaining all the nuttiness inside this nutshell, so hold your horses on any real reactivity here up front -- the reds of the right had their party taken over by a sub-faction of radicals that have completely signed off on harvesting dark political techniques first mass-employed in 1900’s Germany, and then adapted and continued in Mao China, and also in Lenin-ist/Putin-ist Russia.

The extreme right decided it would be effective to import the rhetorical practices of outright propaganda into America. On a mass scale.

And, because conditions were right, the extreme right was right. 

Propaganda has done very, very well in America since the advent of cable and social media. Which have almost no gatekeepers closing down any form of messaging constantly being consta-pipelined out to all of America.

No gatekeepers + mass distribution + old propaganda techniques have done very well for the extreme right. 

So well, in fact, that propaganda -- fabricated talk -- is threatening to overwhelm democracy itself. It’s ushering in the possibility that we may have a fully authoritarian leader step atop the American governmental system. 

Which, uh… wow.

Maybe we should take a look at that.

A very, very close look. 


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