Professional Joke Writer Training

Dan French
February 3, 2024


* Developed and taught by Dr. Dan French, former staff writer/producer on The Late Late Show, Dennis Miller, and The Best Damn Sports Show Period.

I’ve opened a development service for anyone interested in learning how to write jokes professionally. Focused on upskilling (so you can compete with pros), developing great samples, and showing you how to get pro work.

It includes:

() Zoom classes once a week (I used to be a professor -- an entertaining one -- so I'll keep them fast and chippy.)

() Feedback on sample packets, to get them to pro level. (Like, real feedback. So they can get you real work.)

() Membership in the private Joke Writers Utopia FB group, where you can network with pro writers.

() Constant advice on job getting, both big and small.

You’ll learn how to get work on -- 

() Late night talk shows (I’ve written for six of them over the years, two Emmy noms)

() Morning radio (did this for years as a side job, daily prep for DJs)

() Social media accounts (yes, businesses do buy joke writing, ask Car Talk)

() Speech punchup (if you get known in the speakers' circles, they buy flavor)

() Script punch for TV/film (at all levels, from indies to blockbusters)

() Media agencies (yep, they turn to pro joke writers if they know where to find you)

() Standups (pro comics esp need topical stuff for media appearances, and corporate work)

() Gig Apps (Fiverr, Upwork, etc -- you can pick up a crazy range of work there)

() Caption writing (memes, greeting cards -- yes, I’ve been paid to write g-cards)

The structure is simple: $200 a month, I’ll teach at least four different classes every month, and will give you feedback on your packets. (All writing work needs samples, but for TV, writing packets have to be amazing. Because the pay is crazy, so there’s lot’s o’ competition, and the bar is high to impress a head writer.)

So there it is, an opp to learn the pro writing game. 

Turn life into jokes. Turn jokes into money.

Contact me directly:

You can read my writer's resume on my site.

Or join the Joke Writers Utopia group, vet my jokes. Go ahead, I’ll wait. 

Or read the thousands of jokes I’ve put on Twitter, bc I’m an obsessive, and you should be, too, if you want to be a pro writer.

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