Converting Relatives During the Holidays

Dan French
December 28, 2023

In honor of the holidays, here are some of the top things to remember when trying to convert a conservative relative. (And, yes, it can be done. But probs not over a table with a huge golden turkey and a throwable gravy bowl. And by convert I mean persuade, not enrage.)

() Talk positively, no matter what. If you can’t keep the valence of the conversation on positive vibes, back away and get to a safer topic space -- “Your kids are really getting big! I guess prayers are nutritious!” 

() Talk about them as people -- not their positions, or their heroes, or villains -- just center everything back to them, what they think. “What do you believe about the border? Why do you believe that? What do you think we should do? Why do you think people come to this country? Would you sneak into America if you didn’t live in America?”

() Don’t contradict them -- it’s not fun to be contradicted, even if you’re blatantly wrong (or even evil). You don’t have to agree with anything anyone says, but you don’t need to disagree with it, either. “I don’t know. I think it’s a tough issue. I wish I knew someone who deals directly with this issue. Do you know anyone?”

() Persuasion begins when you find their yesses, no matter how small. “Do you think anyone at all should be allowed to immigrate into America? Do you think there are good people immigrating into America? Do you have any immigrants in your family’s past?”

() Persuasion matures when you find their no’s (which are really yesses for your side). “Do you think regular people should be able to hunt immigrants who make it over the border? Should we be able to apply for licenses to hunt immigrants? Should there be a legal limit on how many immigrants you can hunt per season? Should we deport people who illegally immigrated here years ago, say, like half of America?”

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