Rhetoric Coach

Dan French
September 29, 2023

So I do Rhetoric Coaching.

The response I usually get to that statement is -- “Uh, okay? I don’t really know what that means, but… sounds kinda cool?”

Rhetoric is the old Greek word for persuasion. If you study rhetoric, you start with the teachings of the Greeks -- who invented rhetoric training at the same time they invented Democracy (you give lots of people the right to vote, everyone suddenly goes into hyper-drive trying to influence how everyone else votes) -- and you keep on studying every idea and theory about persuasion right up today.

People usually think of the term “rhetoric” only as it’s used by journalists describing empty or hollow talk in politics. “That’s just rhetoric, don’t buy into it.” But rhetoric is way, way broader than that tiny sub-area of unethical persuasion.

Rhetoric occurs any time a human being consciously works on their messaging before they send it. Rhetoricians optimize messages to increase their chances of success. Which almost all humans do, at least somewhat, but rhetoricians take message design to the highest level possible. Rhetoricians draw on a massive persuasion treasure trove of theory, strategy, tactics, and situational knowledge. If you build your persuasion rhetorically, you’re using the most professionalized, formal, and sophisticated persuasion systems ever invented. (In fact, the word sophisticated comes from the first Greek rhetoric teachers -- the Sophists. See, told you this was an old game.)

So, my point in this little micro lesson -- if you want to upgrade your persuasion game (your skills, materials, knowledge, strategies, or psyche) -- in any context, including business, politics, personal life, or on social issues -- you might want a rhetoric coach to show you some moves.

Which is what I do. I rhetoric coach. For when you need better persuasion moves.

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