Eat the Liberals

Dan French
August 9, 2021

So ever since McCarthy, on through Nixon, advanced by Reagan, carried on by Bush/Cheney, and exploding via the Tea Party/Trump eruption, the Right has been screaming that liberal views of the world are an internal enemy of “America.” This idea that change, innovation, compassion, new ways, openness -- aka, “liberalism” -- is dangerous, and beneath us, has taken more and more root, especially now, since the messaging has gone way up in infrastructure, design, planning, and production value, and can be propagated so easily via cable and social media (it used to be relegated to low-production flyers and am radio). So after 75 years of this dark rhetorical storming and slander, America has become halved. It’s exactly like having an army, and inviting an external enemy in so that it can blare to your army that the other half of your army is your real enemy. So instead of warring against external enemies, the army wars against itself. Sounds like a pretty good way for an external army to beat your internal army -- with words as weapons -- doesn’t it?

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