Coaching Countering: Counterprogramming as Life and Work Approach

Dan French
September 24, 2023

One thing I love about comedy is how mechanistic it is. There are mechanical devices all throughout comedy, which, if used, just force interesting outcomes. 

Example? Counterprogramming. The fine art of taking whatever is, and offering a strong alternative. 

Counterprogramming works. It’s powerful. It works on changing beliefs -- they believe that, well, how about we believe this? It works on policies -- so you want to build a wall at the southern border, great, we’re going to install 2,000 miles of trampolines on the Mexican side. It works on worldviews -- you think people on welfare should be forced to work, because it builds character, I agree, so all poor people must legally be installed as CEO’s of the Fortune 500. 

Counterprogramming is an awesome resource. It expands the world. It fights power. It destroys standard thinking. It opens new pathways. 

When people come to me for coaching, one thing I guarantee is a big heaping helping of constant training in countering. 

Which includes -- maybe even features -- countering yourself. All those thoughts? Emotions? Behaviors? Choices?

Counterprogram them. 

And see what happens.

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