Political Persuasion Training
for America

Because Complicated Times
Require Sophisticated Training

Advanced Political Persuasion
Training for a Country that
Desperately Needs It

What is Political Persuasion Training
for America?

The PPTA is an organization that is dedicated to: 

Retooling how all Americans approach political persuasion. 

Giving good people new tools for 
out-persuading bad people. 

And, most of all, to 
de-propagandizing America.

We live in a time when social and cable media, along with cheap, high quality digital production, and hidden, highly organized international messaging infrastructures, have opened a cage.

In that cage are all sorts of 
crazy-seeming, but incredibly powerful, unethical persuasion theories, strategies, tactics, and materials. 

Many of which were created in 1900's Germany, and have continued to be expanded and propagated by bad actors across the globe ever since WW II.

It may not seem possible that fabricated talk can compete with rational talk, but as we're seeing throughout the world, when it's turned loose through modern communication channels, propaganda competes very well with truth-seeking talk. It invades our media, and nests inside people's minds.

Fabricated talk is doing so well in the modern world that we're in danger of being drowned by it.

And we can't let that happen.

We need people highly trained in the deep power of talk to get involved, and do real work to help reset public discourse before it becomes so intensely polluted that actual democracy can't be accomplished.

We need to get rhetoricians involved in cleaning up modern public discourse. 

We need to get expert persuaders deeply involved in 
resetting public discourse.
In re-training mass audiences.
In recovering lost minds.
In leading people back to the practice of
ethical-based persuasion.

The PPTA was created to 
help us do way better persuasion in a highly complicated time.

Because if we don't understand how words work, the wrong words 
will overwhelm our world. 


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