Dr. Dan's World

Where do you go when you want to experience comedy mixed with the world’s best ideas about communication, persuasion, entertainment, relationships, and life?

You go to Dr. Dan’s World. Talks, trainings, and entertainment from earth’s only Emmy-nominated late night comedy writer/cruise ship standup, who also has a PhD in Rhetoric.
August 9, 2021
RWP 82 - “Cuomo is No Mo” - COMEDIAN AMERICANS ep1 - w co-host Tom “Philly” Ryan

In this inaugural ep I drag comedian Tom Ryan out of his tech jungle so we can talk about New […]

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August 4, 2021
RWP 81 - Going Way Over the Hedge w cartoonist Mike Fry -- COMEDY PRO’s ep 22

Cartoonist and author Mike Fry’s “Over the Hedge” comic strip has been in papers for twenty years, and was a […]

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August 2, 2021
RWP 80 - “Haiti Meets Canada Meets the World” - Laura Norup-Boyer - PERSUASION PRO’s ep 23

My guest today is a Persuasion Pro who runs Black Bean Marketing, a Canadian B2B digital marketing agency concentrating on […]

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July 23, 2021
RWP 79 - “Producing Joel Osteen” with Trae Stanley - PERSUASION PROS ep22

What do you do as a freelance producer, director, and editor these days? The answer is pretty much unlimited. With […]

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July 16, 2021
RWP 78 - Adina Tovell - Courageous Curiosity - PERSUASION PRO’S ep21

There are offers in the world, and then there are real offers. Adina has a real offer -- she is […]

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July 13, 2021
RWP 77 - Harry Duran - Podcast Strategist -- PERSUASION PRO’S ep 20

Podcasts are changing the world, man! They kinda are. Sorta. Maybe. Fascinating rhetorical tools, regardless. If you want to be […]

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June 28, 2021
RWP 76 - THE RHETORICIAN FILES - Dr. Bill Keith - “Beyond Civility”

Dr. Bill Keith is a hardcore academic rhetorician, currently at the U of Milwaukee-Wisconsin, steeped in the full-on rhetorical tradition […]

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June 25, 2021
RWP 75 - PERSUASION PROS - Mike Long 3 - “Constructing Villains”

Playwright and speechwriter Mike Long arrives in a long black cape and curly cue mustache to talk with me about […]

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June 21, 2021
RWP 74 - THE RHETORICIAN FILES 17 - “Money” - D Payne 15

Dave Payne is now wandering off into new rhetorical lands -- aka, worlds carved by the primal forces of money. […]

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June 18, 2021
RWP 73 - PERSUADE THE PERSUADER ep1 - Kirk Miller - “Back to KY”

In this inaugural ep of “PERSUADE THE PERSUADER,” my buddy and lifelong Kentucky native and Louisville connoisseur/raconteur, Kirk Miller, takes […]

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