Dr. Dan's 
Rhetoric & Persuasion
Talks and Trainings


Let's Get Smarter.
And Funnier.

With Super Talks and Trainings
(live or zoomed)

from Dr. Dan.

"Developing Elite Persuasion Skills:
Creating a World Filled with Yes"
(If you get good enough at persuasion you receive widespread agreement 
from others. Across the board.
Even from those who love to say, "No."
Experience life and business
when almost everyone says, "Yes."
Elite persuasion skills 
are the ultimate game changer.)

"Logic Training for Businesses:
Eliminate Mistakes and Unnecessary Conflicts By Training Your Staff
in Real Logic"

(It's truly amazing at how much life and business inefficiency and conflict is really just due to your people not processing information according to the real rules of logic. This is a super-fun training that will make massive differences in your efficiency, while reducing frustration and unproductive arguments.)

How to Get People Off
the Troubling Persuasions

They're Hooked On"
(Ever wonder how people can believe some of the the stuff they believe?
It's pretty fascinating, how powerful
persuasion can be. It's also
incredibly frustrating to try to get 
them to give up beliefs that you're
pretty sure have become damaging,
to them, those around them,
and maybe to even entire countries.
But guess what?
You can always recover people.
Human brains are always pliant.
You just have to know how.
Learn about the art of de-persuading.
It will completely change how you approach difficult people.)
"Persuasion Training for Parents"
(Ever wonder how different life would be if your kids not only listened to your advice, but sought it out, and 
followed it? Parents can change the tone, feeling, and conflict 
within their families by learning the principles of persuasion, 
and teaching those principles
to their kids.)

“The Fully Persuasive Organization" (What happens when 
everyone in your org is trained 
in high quality persuasion? 
When every message you post or
send out is optimized to persuade? 
What happens is you win.
You get loads of new customers.
Your marketing works.
Your business thrives.
Learn how great persuasion training
can make that happen.)

"Crafting Powerful Stories:
Why Understanding Stories is the Key
to Persuading Others,
and De-Persuading Yourself"

(Why are stories so powerful? 
Because they're the main way that
humans organize the world.
They're the main way we remember and add meaning to events and people.
Stories are how we set up our lives,
and they tell us how we 
should and should not live.
We see ourselves as characters 
in our own life stories.
They sound really important,
don't they?
That's because they are.
So let's get much, much better
at constructing them.)
"Persuasion Training for Educators: Designing Persuasive Environments 
to Help Shape the Behavior of
Even Your Most Challenging Kids"
(Can you persuade kids? All kids? 
Sure you can. 
If you really 
understand how to set up a 
Highly-Designed Persuasion Ecology. 
Dr. Dan is a 20+ year educator 
with a PhD in active persuasion. 
He has ideas and tools that will help.
At all levels, and with all kids.)
"Logic Skills for Grownups: 
How Real Logic Training Will Change Your Life Forever" 
(Businesses, families, and
individuals can change the game, avoid conflict, and find real solutions by understanding the fascinating foundations of human logic.)

"The Everyday Guide to 
Non-Traumatic Political Persuasion:
Rhetoric Training for a Complicated America"

(The world has gotten complicated.
And agitated. And verbally volatile.
If you want to affect what 
others believe, and how they vote 
(and you really, really do) -- 
without destroying relationships or losing your mind -- 
then you need to upgrade your 
political persuasion game. 
Dr. Dan will help you do that.

To find out more details and check Dan's availability, pop a note, 
or grab a chat.  
dr. dan french on LinkedIn

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