Dan's Persuasion Book

Welcome to my book:
The 21 Coliseums of Persuasion

Aristotle (aka, the King of Rhetoric), defined a rhetorician as someone 
who can see the entire menu 
of persuasive options, and unerringly choose the right one for the right target in the right situation.

The problem for most humans? 
They don’t know the entire 
persuasion menu.
So they stay in one area, 
fighting and losing. And losing. 
And, of course, losing. 

Why? Why lose when you can 
choose other battlegrounds? 
If you can't persuade someone 
using one set of rules and weapons,
switch to a new arena. 

Where you can actually affect someone. And win.

In 21 Coliseums, I lay out 

the entire menu of persuasion. 
Or, what I call the 
coliseums of persuasion. 
I talk through all the major 
forms of influence, including arenas like logic (logos), story (mythos), 
and emotionality (pathos).

When you know all the options, 

when you're willing to learn it all, and are committed to following not what 
you want to do, but what 
your targets need you to do, 
you basically never lose at persuasion.

And that’s what a 

rhetorician is really after.
Zero losses. 
A perfect record.

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