Dr. Dan's List of
Talks and Trainings
Let's Get Smarter.
And Funnier.
With Super Talks and Trainings
(live or zoomed)
from Dr. Dan.
Want to bring Dr. Dan
to your organization or business
to talk about developing truly
incredible communication skills?
Here are the options:
The Public Speaking
Secrets Standups Use to
Succeed with any Audience (and How You Can Use Them, Too -- and You Don't Even Have to Be Funny)"
(Professional standups are truly the Marines of public speaking. They go anywhere. They do comedy for anyone. And they have developed tools and tactics for working with audiences that most public speakers have never even dreamed of using. Learn the secrets of standups, apply those in whatever public speaking you do. Because standups don't just talk, they crush.)
Identifying and Resetting the Communication Dysfunctions
that are Causing Avoidable Problems in your Life, Business, and Relationships"
(Everyone has positives and negatives in how they communicate. EVERYONE.
The challenge for all of us is that we almost never get specific feedback on what we're doing, and therefore we never fix our flaws. Let's change that.
Dr. Dan can help you understand your exact communication mechanics so that you can work on smoothing out the rough ones, and increasing the power of the rewarding ones. You have a simple choice to make -- you can audit your skills now, and make changes, or you can comb through unnecessary failures over and over again and wonder why things went badly. Let's audit your skills and make your changes. Because it's way, way less fun to autopsy your failures.)
Identifying and Amplifying
What You Do Best
When You Communicate.
We Turn Strengths into
(Creating great communication is a crazy game. Sometimes it's about letting go of dysfunctions. Sometimes it's about adding in new skills. And sometimes it's about knowing what you already do well, and amplifying those things so completely that they
carry you to success. Learn your
exact strengths, and how to take them from good to amazing. Because amazing is what you need.)
“Conversational Value:
How to Create a Valuable Conversation with Anyone in
One Minute or Less
(What I Learned from 700
Instant Conversations with Strangers from Around the World)”
(Have you ever asked yourself what you consider to be a valuable conversation? Is it the information you gather, that you learn something you find to be valuable? Is it entertainment, that the interaction is fun, lively? Is it the human connection you make? Or is it business value, you realize from talking that you can help each other in specific ways?
The answer is all of the above.
The reason we talk is to gain and give value. Of many varieties.
After taking notes on over
700 zoom conversations in a
single year, Dr. Dan has developed very specific techniques for both grabbing and giving value in every
conversation you have.
Jump in and learn what they are,
and you'll never have a low-value
conversation ever again.)
"Learning to Super Communicate:
What Communication Can Do When You Really Understand How it Works"
(Communication is an odd thing. We almost all can do it naturally. It's almost effortless for humans. But can we take communication past normal practices and see what it can do when you really open it up and amp your skills?
Find out what it means to
Super Communicate.)
To find out more details and check Dan's availability, pop a note,
grab a chat.
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